
Based on UNP Rector’s Regulation No. 05 of 2018: February 19th, new student selection system in BEME study program can be classified in three methods:

  1. SNMPTN (National Selection for Indonesian State University based on high school GPA)

    This is an invitation selection without a written exam intended for outstanding students who will graduate in the year concerned. Prospective students who apply via SNMPTN Achievement must have a recommendation from the school. The school fills in the registration data on the PDSS portal. After the data is verified, further registration is carried out on SNMPTN website. The SNMPTN registration guide can be seen here. Determination of student achievement rankings based on subject scores. The prospective students who come from high school with a science major, the subjects to be evaluated are mathematics, Indonesian, English, chemistry, physics and biology. Meanwhile, the prospective students who come from vocational high school, the subjects assessed are mathematics, Indonesian, English and skill competencies (vocational theory and practice). The students who apply via SNMPTN depend on school accreditation; (1) the prospective students who come from accredited A schools, the prospective students must be included into 40%  of best students in their schools, (2) the accredited B schools, prospective students must be included into 25% of best students and (3) the accredited C schools, prospective students must be included into 5% of best students in school.

  2. SBMPTN (National Selection for Indonesian State University based on National Selection Test)

    SBMPTN is a collage administration selection of public universities that is carried out in computer based testing and paper based testing (CBT / PBT). Registration via the SBMPTN website, LTMPT (Indonesian University Entrance Selection Council) website, and UNP website for student selection

  3. Seleksi mandiri (UNP Selection)

    The UNP selection directly held by UNP. Prospective students who previously took the SNMPTN and SBMPTN administration selection but were not pass the selection, may re-register on the independent administration selection in the UNP selection webpage. The ranking is carried out based on the subject scores and national examinations that declared on the Universitas Negeri Padang Rector’s announcement number 1868/UM35/EP/2020.