Vision & Mission


Becoming a leading study program in Southeast Asia in producing the Mechanical Engineering graduate who have competitiveness, good competencies and have noble characters


  1. Organizing the Mechanical Engineering Education undergraduate program through a higher education system that is planned and integrated in a dynamic curriculum, complete supporting facilities and competent teaching staff.
  2. Carrying out research and applied technology for the community to support the development and application of mechanical engineering vocational education.
  3. Organizing community service activities in the field of mechanical engineering vocational education
  4. Developing good cooperation and networking with government agencies, private companies, industry and other educational institutions to increase the graduates competitiveness


  1. To produce graduates of mechanical engineering education who have high scientific competence and character based on faith and piety, nationalism and environmental insight.
  2. To produce innovative and quality scientific works and publications in the development of science and technology in the field of vocational machinery to support the acceleration of national development.
  3. To develop good cooperation and networking with government agencies, private companies, industry and other educational institutions to improve student competitiveness.

These BEME’s vision and missions are in line with the vision and mission of UNP (see here) and Faculty of Engineering UNP. The Vision and Missions of Faculty of Engineering UNP can be seen in the FT-UNP’s Strategic Plan (see here) and in the BEME’s student hand book (see here).