Design of Leather Cracker Cutting Machine with Cutter and Disc Rotary Model
Leather Cracker (Kerupuk Kulit) is a product made from basic ingredients of cowhide and buffalo skin. One of the skin cracker producers in West Sumatra is located in Koto Marapak Magek, Bukittinggi. In producing these crackers, producers still use traditional tools, namely manual cutting tools for cutting skin crackers. This of course will cause problems in the skin cracker production process. The problem that will arise is that the manual cutting process will slow down the skin cracker production process, not only slow in the production process but will also have an impact on the sales of the skin cracker producers.
In overcoming the problems faced by skin cracker producers, students majoring in mechanical engineering as a team are trying to develop a skin cracker cutter with an electric motor power source and equipped with two blades called Cutter and Disc Rotary . The PKM-T team of students of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, FT-UNP, tries to implement a scientific work in the form of a technology concept that will be applied to society. The PKM-T team chaired by Kris Edi Jalmanto NIM 17067019 with members of Yoga Andika NIM 17067091, Dira Nurfaedah NIM 17067037, Lily Marlina Yeni NIM 17035067 and Amalina Dalila Putri NIM 18005035 with supervisor Hendri Nurdin, MT. The tool that is applied is entitled “Design of a Leather Cracker Cutting Machine with a Cutter and Disc Rotary Model“.
By using two blades and an electric motor power source to move the blade. So that the cutting process of the skin crackers becomes more efficient, the cut results are cleaner and cleaner and increase the production yield of the skin crackers. Through the PKM-T Program, it is expected to overcome the problems faced by partners so that the production process can increase in a short time by applying the technological knowledge that has been learned in lectures.
Please watch the video below to find out “The Design of a Cooler Cutter and Disc Rotary Cracker Cutting Machine “. Link: